I have gone through this phase before..I think 90% of the people out there go through a phase like this in their life..Unemployment is real people......! haaa I just made a heavy statement now:p...
I am removing all the negative thoughts and fear that I will be forever lost in this phase of nothingness.. and I am dreaming again....yes I had lost the ability to do this mentally drowning path we reach a point where we don't see a tomorrow....its the danger sign guys....if any of you are there you are in danger and you need help(most important thing -first help should come from your own head to move your butt to do stuff).
I am recovering and I was thinking about what I am going to do in this year ahead of me..and I made a list, and the fact and the truth and the reality which I accept while making it is that these are my long term goals, and the journey will be a tough one and it will take time.. Then I am also making short term goals for the week and the month...


  1. Find a Job
  2. Travel to three destinations
  3. Study Cooking
  4. Study Photography
  5. Get physically fit
  6. Try to eat healthy and take care of your body,skin,hair(yourself)  
I made this based on what I want to do in my life for me to be happy...even though Albert Einstein said people who pursue happiness in life are idiots..I am sorry Mr.Einstein I strongly disagree with you in this case..for me what I want from my life is happiness..
Besides the fact that in order to survive in this world I definitely need a job to earn money(I am still  not sure about the career path I am going to select  ..but at least I know I need one:p) the other things in this list are the ones I truly enjoy doing...I love to wander through places and I haven't been through enough... I love to eat and I am a big foodie..I also enjoy preparing the food..I also love looking at photographs so I had this intuition that I would make a good photographer:p..


  1. Start  doing yoga from tomorro

    apply for jobs 

    start studying

    stay positive..

    There is hope ..I can see it now..:)
